How to Submit
IIPLHK now invites unsolicited submissions for blog posts (articles or case notes).
Please submit your article and (or) case note to, with email title [Article / Case Note Submission] article/case note name. You may submit your piece as either an article or a case note to help us more accurately assess your piece.
Word count 800-1250 words
Short, exploratory in nature with subject matter that is of interest to property law scholars and (or) practitioners.
An article should serve the purpose of contributing to or starting a conversation in an interesting field of property law.Articles that seek to clarify or develop some aspect of Hong Kong property law would be especially welcome.
Case notes should be about judgments that are of some importance for the development or clarification of one or more property law issues.
Font should be 12 point for text (including footnotes and references)
Everything should be double-spaced (including text, footnotes, and references)
In-Text Citation
IIPLHK places very high importance on honesty in submitted work and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on academic dishonesty, please familiarise yourself with the content of academic honesty guidelines before submission.
Review Process
We consider each manuscript we receive using an extensive review process, which can take several weeks. We encourage your early submission. The editorial team reviews submissions without knowledge of the identity of the authors.
Please email Prof Michael Lower at if you encounter any problems or have any inquiries on the review process.